(Overall life-cycle project management in line with PRAG)
(Advisory and technical support for EU funded call for proposals)
- Community Development,
- Rural Development,
- SME Development,
- Civil Society Development
- Sustainable Development
Project initialization and planning services
- Feasibility studies
- Business case analysis
- Client scope, schedule and cost estimation
- Procurement planning (supplier evaluation)
- Project charter and proposal preparation
- Project evaluation (program, portfolio level)
- Project execution related services
- Project hosting
- Monitoring and surveillance
- Quality assurance/Quality control
- Project Key Resource Allocation
- PR events and information campaigns organisation
- Information material production and dissemination for different target groups
- Training (Project Cycle Management, Community Based Tourism, Nature Protection, Sustainable Rural & Urban Development, Strategic Communication)
Project risk management
- Risk identification and classification
- Risk severity matrix (probability/impact assessment)
- Risk qualitative and quantative analysis
- Risk mitigation and control (strategy, risk plan, monitoring and control)
Contract management
- Tendering related consulting
- Supplier management
- Subcontractor management
Project process related services
- Project process related consultancy
- Project office infrastructure, management and support
- Meetings, trainings, workshops planning and facilitation
- Stakeholder analysis
- Participatory surveys, interviews (traditional, web enabled)
- Advisory and technical support for EU funded projects implementation
- Environmental protection
- Environment Impact Assessment (development of EIA for developments in terestic and marine environment, procedural support for acceptance procedure)
- Implementation of integrated procedures (environment, nature, integrated conditions for environment protection)
- Strategic Environment Impact Assessment for plans (development of studies and procedural support)
- Permitting support services
- Due diligence reports
- Reports about condition of environment (villages, municipalities, cities)
- Environment protection reports
- Environment management plans