Managing Environment
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- Introduction to Environmental Management
- Why Manage Environment
- What is Environment, Pollution, Sustainable Development
- Specific Hazards
- Principles of ISO 14001
- Common Law, Statute Law
- Environmental Legislation
- IPC and LAPC, Waste on Land, Statutory Nuisance
- Role of Europe in Environmental Legislation
- Water Legislation
- Water Industry Considerations
- Regulatory Control
- Definition of Controlled Water
- Environmental Impacts of Water Consumption
- Pollution Prevention Techniques
- Practical Measures to Reduce Water Consumption
- Air
- Environmental Protection Legislation
- History of Air Pollution Control
- Common Law Duties
- Environmental Impacts of Air Pollution
- Transport & Traffic Management
- Waste Management Legislation
- Contaminated Land
- What is Waste
- Environmental Impacts of Waste Disposal
- Practical Measures for Waste Reduction
- Energy Management Legislation
- Environmental Impacts of Energy Consumption
- Practical Measures to Reduce Energy Consumption
- Alternative Energy Sources
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